Stories of Lung Cancer

We tell ourselves stories in order to live.     ~Joan Didion

An Eye In the Storm

Let’s start with the good news. 

The MRI results are in and there’s no sign of cancer in my brain

The cancer is contained to my right lung and several lymph nodes there. In the context of a very sucky situation, this is really good news and so we are taking the time to be thankful, take a deep breath, and prepare for what’s next. 

The EBUS was yesterday. We arrived at the hospital at 7:00 am as directed and proceeded to hang around for a long time. But then things started hopping. Have you ever noticed how bright an OR is? Jeez. Blinding. I wasn’t conscious long enough to have to request sunglasses for the glare, though. Some time around 2:00 pm I started to come out of it. You know, they give you the best saltines after procedures. And apple juice? The nectar of the gods. 

The pulmonologist was able to get tissue from the tumor, all the nodes, and even the thyroid, which is a story for another time. (I did ask whether, in the event of lung surgery, they could do a twofer and take the thyroid out at the same time, but that was a no.) 

Today I scheduled some pulmonary function tests, as requested. Mostly I didn’t do a ton– my throat is really sore and I have a strange cough. But, hey, I imagine there will be a lot of that in my future. 

Now we wait. Next week is the surgeon on Monday, and the pulmonologist on Thursday. Based on what the surgeon said, I anticipate that after meeting with her, I will be connected to a medical oncologist and radiologist. Then a whole new planet of suckiness will come into being. 

But not today. Today is for rest and gratitude. 

Thanks for reading.  

Image by janeb13 from Pixabay

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Sending you all the love across the miles. Offering gratitude for the fact that the cancer has not spread. Hugs and hugs and hugs 💜

Thank you, dear T.

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