Two Lessons About Lung Cancer | Nov 1 2024
November 1st? How did that happen? Now I can’t write the Halloween-inspired spooky blog post that was rolling around in
We tell ourselves stories in order to live. ~Joan Didion
From the moment lung cancer is diagnosed, you are living with it forever. There are layers to peel away in order to understand what that means, to build a life. You do it one step at a time.
November 1st? How did that happen? Now I can’t write the Halloween-inspired spooky blog post that was rolling around in
Lungevity’s Virtual Conference Over the course of two days, September 20 and 21, Lungevity held its annual lung cancer survivors’
. Quarterly Scans (Plus Benefits) Lung scan time may not be fun time, but it always seems to kick open
. One recent morning, I woke up and things felt different. I felt alert, curious about the day, and relieved.
. The summer has not been going according to plan. Things started well. Clear scans (YAY!). Bicycling trip along the
I’ve been away from the blog for some time, due to some family illness, as well as some Big Travel.
. Just when you imagine spring with happy anticipation of gardening and bicycling, you get a reminder that you are
Cancer checkups are almost better than a BOGO offer at the grocery store. You have a test, you get
You could have knocked me over with a feather. Although the appointment for the damn CT scan kept sliding from
. Garbage Cat Now that my cat has knocked half of my desk contents onto the floor, I can begin.
. “Of course, a big part of the difficulty of living with lung cancer is that you have to be
A Quick Note This is an unusual post, for me at least, because I’m telling you about something that