Stories of Lung Cancer

We tell ourselves stories in order to live.     ~Joan Didion

Rubber, Meet Road | Apr 9 2021



April 9, 2021

90 grams of protein per day. That’s the takeaway from yesterday’s (weekly) meeting with the nutritionist. That’s my daily goal from hereon out. That’s, what– a whole cow? Every day? Whoa.

The swallowing side effects have begun. It’s not swallowing as much as it is the movement of food from the esophagus. It’s like having a fist in the middle of your chest. (something pounding to get out?)

It struck me yesterday that, soon, eating is not going to be fun. That’s criminal. I stared the nutritionist right in the eyes. “This is going to be hard, isn’t it?” Without skipping a beat: “Yep.”

Fun fact: people in treatment for cancer who lose less that 6% of their body weight have fewer side effects and better tissue repair. To that end, my aim should be to eat upwards of 1750 calories per day.

Mom has headed to the grocery store for full-fat milk.

It also struck me yesterday that I can have all of my Dear Ones standing beside me, but that I am the only one who can do this, and even if I am not sure I can, it’s coming anyway.

In protest of all these things, I put on my PJs at 6:30 yesterday evening.

Thank you to all who send cards and messages. I am oddly scattered mentally, so please understand if I don’t get back to you. But know how deeply I appreciate your presence.

Image by Joshua Woroniecki from Pixabay

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