Stories of Lung Cancer

We tell ourselves stories in order to live.     ~Joan Didion

Let’s Cut to the Chase

The lymph nodes are half the size they were at diagnosis.

The tumor is 7mm smaller and looks like it may not be as solid.

Doctor Radiology is very pleased.

And now the hard work begins: Things taste weird. I’m swallowing fine initially, but things just kind of stop in the middle of my sternum– like there’s something stuck there. There’s some neuropathy in my hands. My mouth is sore. I feel clobbered most of the time.

It struck me yesterday that eating is slowly moving from life’s Pleasure column to life’s Chore column. Perhaps the only solution is ice cream.

Not long from now, Mark and I will celebrate our 33rd wedding anniversary with a walk to a nearby ice cream store. I may have 2 scoops.

Image by Mary Pahlke from Pixabay

Tulip Cone image by S. Hermann & F. Richter from Pixabay
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As always, thanks so much for posting these updates. You are doing a service for us all in addition to helping us feel closer to you despite the time and distance. I am always impressed and inspired by you Karen, and this time feels especially so. I wish I could jump through the screen and hugyou tight.
Sending you tons of love.

Glad to see this better news too!

Back atcha, my dear one.


Been thinking of you so much lately and was wondering why I hadn't heard new, my friend. Now I see. Glad to be back in the loop and sending you ALL the ice cream in that beautiful image, but this time with lots of flavor and sweetness.

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